

Here you can find all information and frequently asked questions about the presale for MELT 2024!



Find all information about the different ticket types, included services and much more here.

Where can I buy tickets?

What kind of tickets are available?

Can I buy a ticket via KulturPass?

What does the phase mean?

Will there be day tickets?


Find all information about the different Add Ons here.

What are Add Ons?

Which Add Ons are available?

What are Premium Add Ons?

Which Premium Add Ons are available?

What is Glamping?

Are Car-/Caravan-Add Ons valid per person or per vehicle? 

Are Parking-Add Ons valid per person or per vehicle? 


You have questions about the process of buying a ticket for MELT 2024? Please find all information here. If anything is not covered, just send us an E-Mail!

Which payment options are available?

Are payment plans available?

Can I have my ticket insured?

I have problems buying tickets. Who can help me?

I purchased a ticket but I can't find it in my E-Mails. What to do?

I purchased a ticket but it does not appear in my Ticketmaster account. What to do?

Can I return my ticket or Add On?

Can I forward my ticket to others?

Can I share a ticket with a friend?

Can I sell my ticket?

I have received a discount code via an affiliate program, but the code is invalid. What should I do?